Letter: W or V (8th runic letter)
Translation: Joy
Meaning: Self balance, positive perspective, self confidence
Keywords: Delight, elation, harmony
Attributes: Wynn rules the virtue of cheerfulness and well being. It gives one the ability to maintain positive enthusiasm in spite of the disappointments, discouragements and strife that come with life. By illuminating the soul with powers of positive insight, Wynn improves understanding of one's self. This clarity brings self confidence, courage and an enjoyable disposition giving one a stronger standpoint from which to overcome difficult decisions and situations.
Magical use: Wynn foundation rune of will as well as the rune of balanced, integrated personalities. Wynn melds the different sides of oneself into a whole, relieving tensions and giving an unwavering outlook of brightness through all life's trials. Wynn is where positive emotional healing is needed. By realigning ones psyche to an optimistic point of view. Wynn re-energise the spirit and improves harmony within ones personal sphere.
Casting Meaning: Wynn represents liberation from the hardships of discouragement and releasing of stressful energy. By reaching this state of well being it will being it will be easier to achieve and maintain a positive outlook in life. We are no longer held down by the inhibitions of past fears and can now reach a more creative and self assured state of harmony and promise within our personal sphere.
Made of high quality excelsior pewter. Double sided design (different seal on each side).
Approx. pendant size: 2.54 centimetre in diameter. Weight : 11 grams.
Black cord option comes with an approx. 36 inch or 91.44 cm cord and a (lead free) pewter accent bead with laminated ends.
Chain option comes with a 2 mm flat link stainless steel chain of either 18 , 20 , 22 inch standard length or a 18 inch chain with an extension up to 4 inches ( 22 inch total ) in length for more flexibility and a lead free pewter accent bead. Wear them with or without bead!
Image copyright UNYKTOUCH (all rights reserved).