The unicorn is a mystical creature born out of the dreams of all who believe in the human spirit, the purity of the heart, the creativity of the mind and the strength of the bond between all living beings.
Some say the unicorn has a dual existence; it takes a human form on earth, and a wild and beautiful equine creature on the astral plane. The unicorn embraces the fire and power of the masculine spirit as well as the passion and nurturing spirit of feminity. Allegorically, the unicorn symbolises all we aspire to be; strong but balanced by wisdom; spontaneous but balanced with calm; powerful but balanced by compassion. The unicorn is a perfect creature, delicately balanced by yin and yang, the embodiment of the male and female spirit.
The spiralled horn of the unicorn is the source of its great magic and powerful healing abilities. Legend tells us that although the unicorn offered its healing powers freely, men possessed by greed and wanton hunted down the unicorn for the bounty. Today, it is said, the magical horn enables the unicorn to maintain its dual existence; on earth and on the astral plane.
To find a manifestations of the unicorn among us, we must seek out the one to whom others flock when are in pain; one who soothes the bodies and minds of troubled souls; one who listens to what others can�t hear; one who sees beyond what can be seen; and one who touches what is not obvious to the touch. Keep searching and you may find one. Think carefully, you may already know one!
Made of high quality excelsior pewter. Double sided design.
Approx. pendant size: 3.2 centimetre height x 1.9 centimetre width. Weight : 13 grams.
Black cord option comes with an approx. 36 inch or 91.44 cm cord and a (lead free) pewter accent bead with laminated ends.
Chain option comes with a 2 mm flat link stainless steel chain of either 18 , 20 , 22 inch standard length or a 18 inch chain with an extension up to 4 inches ( 22 inch total ) in length for more flexibility and a lead free pewter accent bead. Wear them with or without bead!
Image copyright UNYKTOUCH (all rights reserved).