There is a Magical Realm it is called "Annwn", it is the enchanted realm of the "Tuatha de Danann," the original Irish race descended from the Celtic Goddess Dana.
It is a realm of Youth and Promise, a land where "a fountain flows with sweet wine, where age and sickness are unknown". It is in this place that "The innermost circle from which all life springs" can be found.
Druids, Bards and Banshees travelled back and forth between the two worlds, their gates of passage being found in springs, caves, mighty trees and even in castle ruins. Look carefully at the original design to find the "wee Folk" hiding in the tree, two lovers in an embrace and Pentacles hidden in the leaves.
The "Great Tree" lives in the centre of Annwn and is the first Tree of Creation. It is alive with Song, Dance and Merry Making.
From this first "Great Tree", the Mother Goddess, Dana brought to Tara {Ireland} a Magical branch with three fruits: nuts, apples and acorns. From this branch all the Trees of the Earth took root.
The most sacred tree of all was the Oak tree, which represents the "Axis Mundi," the Centre of the World.
The Celtic name for oak, Daur, is the origin of the word door - the root of the oak was literally the doorway to the Otherworld, the realm of the Fairy. Countless Irish legends revolve around trees. One could fall asleep next to a particular tree and awake in the fairy realm. In Celtic legends, trees guard Sacred Wells and provide Healing, Shelter and Wisdom. Trees carried messages to the other realm, and conferred blessings. To this day trees can be seen in the Irish countryside festooned with ribbons and pleas for Favours, Love, Healing and Prosperity.
Made of high quality excelsior pewter. Double sided design.
Approx. Pendant size : 3.86 centimetre height x 1.90 centimetre width. Weight : 12.9 grams.
Black cord option comes with an approx. 36 inch or 91.44 cm cord and a (lead free) pewter accent bead with laminated ends.
Chain option comes with a 2 mm flat link stainless steel chain of either 18 , 20 , 22 inch standard length or a 18 inch chain with an extension up to 4 inches ( 22 inch total ) in length for more flexibility and a lead free pewter accent bead. Wear them with or without bead!
Image copyright UNYKTOUCH (all rights reserved).