Caribou, also known as reindeer, inhabit the Arctic and subarctic areas of North America, Europe, Asia, and Greenland. Of the more than 40 different species of deer, it is only in the caribou that both the males and females grow antlers. Within hours of birth, fawns (baby caribou) are capable runners, keeping up with their mothers and the herd. Heading north in summer and south in winter, caribou annually trek over 2,000 miles in one of the worlds greatest migration.
The unique making process of these porcelain pendants allows for more detail in designs than other mediums. These designs are fired into the clay at 2200 degrees, so they will not peel or wear off. Each piece is surprisingly lightweight.
Approx. Ornament size : 4.5 centimetre in diameter. Weight : 14 grams.Length of red satin : 30 centimetre.
Image copyright UNYKTOUCH (all rights reserved).